As a business owner, have you ever thought about becoming your own Energy Provider?
When you install a solar system on a commercial property, you are generating your own power to use and in turn, you can become your own energy provider by on-selling your power to the ‘grid’ that you do not use. We call this community solar sharing.
Did you know that you can trade your own solar energy across to your other energy accounts?
This is where you start to become a mini energy retailer and it gets really exciting!
If you have multiple energy accounts with an Energy Retailer like Next Business Energy, you can trade your excess solar energy directly to your other properties. That’s right, you can become an energy provider to yourself. There is no more risk of an ever decreasing Solar Feed In Tariff when you can trade energy yourself and remove the wholesale costs of energy.
Energy sharing is the perfect option for farms and businesses with multiple sites.
Did you know that you can become an energy retailer with compassion?
Through our energy sharing network you are able to donate your energy to the less fortunate or a charity. Donating a small portion of your power can make all of the difference to someone else in need.
Business owners with large commercial systems may wish to donate excess solar on the weekend (a 30kW system supplies enough power to run 15 small homes!). This could mean donating excess solar to your staff on weekends or sponsoring your local sports club by sharing $50 of energy a year. This is a good way to give back to the community whilst sharing excess and unused energy from your business.
Whether you choose to trade your energy with your other accounts or to give back to a charitable organisation, take on the big energy retailers and get in control of your energy costs.
Founder of Horan & Bird. Director of Master Electricians Australia and Board Member of Solar Accreditation Australia. John has played a key entrepreneurial role in the transformation of the Energy Landscape in Queensland.