Over the next two weeks the Government is reviewing the Renewable Energy Target (RET).
Currently the RET is set until 2020. The RET forces large polluters such as electricity retailers to purchase renewable energy certificates from home owners and businesses who install solar panels and solar hot water systems. These renewable energy certificates are commonly referred to by solar companies as the Government rebate. The reality is that this rebate costs the government and tax payers nothing and it is forcing polluters to clean up their act and use clean power.
The Government has been under incredible pressure from Australia’s largest electricity retailers and the coal industry to remove this RET target. RET has been a huge success for Australian home owners and for helping Australia develop a cleaner future for our Children. This RET target has also shown the rest of the world that Australia is serious about the future of our planet.
What does all this mean?
Currently a 5kW solar system attracts up to $4000 in renewable energy certificates. For a commercial business or farm a 10kW system has up to $8000 and a 30kW system up to $24,000 in certificates. These certificates are removed from the price of your solar system currently. Without these certificates customers will have to make up this shortfall in the purchase price.
We certainly hope that there is no change to the RET, however we are urging people not to miss out if you have not got a solar system on your house, business or farm yet.
This could be your last chance for a government rebate to help reduce your power bill.
A Solar system is the Hills hoist (clothes line) of the 21st century, eventually everybody is going to get one. In the USA a solar system is being installed every 4 minutes.
Founder of Horan & Bird. Director of Master Electricians Australia and Board Member of Solar Accreditation Australia. John has played a key entrepreneurial role in the transformation of the Energy Landscape in Queensland.