Total Farm Energy Saver
Horan & Bird Solar have been working with CANEGROWERS and our energy partners, Juice Capital, to package an offer for CANEGROWERS Members to save on their energy costs.
Grid Energy
Ergon have a range of energy tariffs. We have negotiated same or better rates on every tariff. If we can save you that NMI will not be moved. Only the NMI’s that will deliver a saving will be moved.
We will deliver a benchmarked saving of at least 4-6%.
Solar PV Systems
Following a review of the NMI and grid savings we will also review the pump loads and identify the sites that will benefit from Solar PV system installation.
You can choose to buy and own or we will install and you only pay for the cheaper solar power used with no capital outlay.
Digital Meters
The Power of Choice reforms make the installation of Type 4 digital (interval) meters mandatory when a new or replacement meter is needed. This usually has a cost of $350.
Our offer includes the supply & monthly meter chargers of the COMMS meter at no cost. This is a saving of $22 per month.
Grid Energy
Ergon have a range of energy tariffs. We have negotiated same or better rates on every tariff. If we can save you that NMI will not be moved. Only the NMI’s that will deliver a saving will be moved.
We will deliver a benchmarked saving of at least 4-6%.
Solar PV Systems
Following a review of the NMI and grid savings we will also review the pump loads and identify the sites that will benefit from Solar PV system installation.
You can choose to buy and own or we will install and you only pay for the cheaper solar power used with no capital outlay.
Digital Meters
The Power of Choice reforms make the installation of Type 4 digital (interval) meters mandatory when a new or replacement meter is needed. This usually has a cost of $350.
Our offer includes the supply & monthly meter chargers of the COMMS meter at no cost. This is a saving of $22 per month.
Securing a Profitable, Sustainable and Energy Efficient future for all CANEGROWERS Members.